Thursday 3 January 2013

Ostriches are fun to draw...

Here's picture 3 for Project 365... it's an ostrich! Can't get better then that!

Head on over and check out my facebook page!

See the beginning of my PROJECT 365 below!

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Project 365 - 2013!

Inspired by a close friend I have decided to start a PROJECT 365 but with illustrations rather then photographs. 

Using the 'at least one illustration a day' rule, I will be uploading an illustration for each new day in the year 2013. An illustration counts as a sketch or a fully coloured masterpiece!

As my new year's resolution this year was to work harder, then hopefully I shouldn't have a problem!

To kick it off, here are my first 2 days!

above... JANUARY 1st 2013... preliminary sample sketch for children's book...

and below... JANUARY 2nd 2013... 30 second lamb sketch.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Merry Xmas! Happy Holidays!

When I wasn't working, this year I took some time off to relax, think about life and catch up with family. I did get a rather fetching knitted jumper, with leaping reindeer on it, so all in all 2012 was a great Xmas!

Lana Purcell's new book is coming along rather nicely, here's a sneak peek for all those eager to see what's going on. And I must admit I had several green smoothies over the holidays - to boost my energy levels!

2012 saw the start of Alley Girls - a cool brand for 'tweens' which I illustrated, but we haven't seen the last of Alley Girls yet... more exciting projects in the pipeline means they have new friends to be illustrated too!

There are plenty more projects on the go, so be sure to follow, add or google + to see more updates and work in progress!

Merry Xmas!

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Spooky Tees

I've been mega busy the last few days, and my work couldn't be more diverse! Here's some more sneaky shots of the work in progress for 'Offends my Eyes' - colour to follow soon...

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Find your inner Teddy!

The Adventures of Meddy Teddy is a 21 part children's book series about a young bear who learns meditation and yoga from the great bear master high in the mountain temple.

I was very excited to be a part of this fantastic project, here are some sneaky peeks of the illustrations before the book hits the market!

Please let me know what you think! For more details (and to pre-order the book, of course) you can visit MeddyTeddy's website here

Monday 10 December 2012

A look at what is to come!

You may or may not have heard of Electrik Inc - a group of talented individuals combining great writing for children and young adults, sharp editing and professional publishing. 

Some time ago I was contacted by Kim about illustrating for the second St Viper’s book, although it's not due for release quite yet - you can see a sneak preview of the illustration for chapter one on the web right now!

Click here to see!

Their first book - St Viper’s School for Super Villains by Kim Donovan is available on amazon now - have a look...

Sunday 9 December 2012

What's green and healthy?

Lana Purcell's smoothies are!

And here are some rough sketches for her exciting new project!

Check out her website for awesome recipes and more - and keep your eyes as peeled (pun intended) for updates!